Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Under the Knife

Ok, so I haven’t posted in a few days. I’ve been a little preoccupied. Friday, I had a little operation on my foot. Nothing major, I just went into the hospital and had a rather large chunk of something removed from my body. No big deal, right? Well, maybe not for normal people, but for me, yeah, BIG DEAL. First of all, I hadn’t had surgery since my tonsils were removed by Dr. Scissorhands in 1972. That didn’t go so well. I ended up back in the hospital bleeding profusely. My sister did, too – same doctor, same hack job. So, naturally, I’m a little cautious about letting people near me with scalpels. Then, there is the fact that I am a big baby and don’t like pain. So, overall everything went ok. The first IV went horribly wrong and I spent half an hour trying not to hurl or pass out. But, after that I got some happy juice, so nothing else really mattered. In the future, I think I would request the happy juice much earlier in the process. I did manage to win $10 from my surgeon during the surgery. Yeah, you read that right. While I was being operated on, my surgical team was playing musical trivia. I was just lying there, drifting in and out of consciousness, humming along to “Blinded by the Light” (ok, I may have been singing out loud, what do I know? I was loopy.) when I heard someone (found out later it was the surgeon) ask if anyone knew who wrote that song. Oddly enough, I did. Then he said, “$10 if anyone can tell me who wrote that song.” Now, I didn’t know if I could speak, or if anyone could hear me, but I squeaked out “Bruce Springsteen”. I heard the anesthesiologist say, “And the patient says Bruce Springsteen”. I was right. They all cracked up. I really don’t think they expected the patient to be playing the game. So, at my follow-up appointment tomorrow, Dr. D owes me $10. Hey, I figure it’s a small price to pay considering everyone in that room will be telling that story for years! So, when I’m feeling better I’ll post some new pictures of the girls. They are doing great – adjusting nicely to Mommy with the Boo-Boo Foot. O Baby has been a big help, and Y Baby has only stepped on my foot one time. Not bad considering she has adopted her sister’s habit of climbing Mommy like a jungle gym. Oh, yeah, and in case I forgot to mention it, Darvocet ROCKS.

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