Tuesday, January 15, 2008


We are working on potty training with Ying in my typical let's-not-get-in-a-hurry-and-actually-accomplish-anything kind of way. By that I mean I have shown her the potty, talked about it quite a lot, and even sat her on it several times – 2 or 3 times actually resulting in pee pee in the potty (which, of course, requires my patented "Pee Pee in the Pot-tay" song and dance). But, overall, we're not getting too anal about it (pardon the pun!). She likes to run around naked (really, who doesn't?), which in our house, thanks to my baby sister, is referred to as "naked bacon". Yeah, we don't know why either. But, it's totally cute to see naked Ying running around yelling "naka naka" while patting her tummy.

So, back to pee. Last night, I was letting Ying run around being "naked bacon". I explained to her that if she needed to pee, she should tell Momma and I would take her to the potty. Ok, so then I took the trash out. When I came in, Ying ran up to me and said, "Pee, pee, pee". I'm mentally praising myself for raising such a brilliant child, coming to tell me that she needs to go pee. So I say, "Ok, let's go to the potty". She takes my hand and leads me not to the bathroom, but to the hallway where she points to a wet spot on the carpet and proudly proclaims, "PEE!" Darned if she wasn't right.



Anonymous said...

Sis -
You had us rolling with this one! Too funny! Now the world knows we are a bunch of nudists!
Naked Bacon!!

Kim said...

Hehe naked bacon! Too funny!

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