Thursday, November 06, 2008

Feeling Very BLUE Today!

And I mean that in a good way.

Before Tuesday, I had voted in 6 presidential elections. As a blue voter living in red states, my vote has NEVER counted - until now. For the first time, the electoral votes of my state actually went to the candidate I voted for. It's an amazing feeling. And, it's the reason why I think we need to do away with the electoral college and allow the president to be elected by popular vote. Every vote should carry the same weight, and what state you live in should not determine whether or not it does. Ok, that's my political rant for the year.

Oh, and because this is a blog about my girls, let me just add that OBaby was thrilled to hear (at 2 am on Wednesday when she woke up long enough to ask, "Did he win, Mama?") that Ba-Rock had won. "The boy", as she has called him since the days he was running against "the girl", was her favorite candidate. We went to Chicago yesterday and stopped to buy some copies of the Sun Times (yeah, the Trib was sold out by 9 am), and O wanted to buy her own copy (which she purchased herself then proudly carried to the train station all by herself - dang that girl is independent. Don't know where that comes from!).

O also got a haircut in Chicago. I'll have to try to get a picture of her tonight. I was too tired to think about it last night! (4 hours of sleep and a day in the city - I'm too old for this . . . stuff.) Ying-a-Bing did NOT get her haircut as she firmly insisted NO CUT MY HAIR several times while sister was getting hers done. Really, I didn't feel like fighting with her. It's just hair. We'll cut it when she's ready.

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