Thursday, November 01, 2007

Trick or Treat (Tee-Tee-Tee)!

The girls had a ball trick or treating (tee-tee-tee, as YBaby said) last night. Olivia had been planning her costume –Hannah (“H-A-N-N-A-H”) Montana, since August. If you don’t know who Hannah Montana is 1) count yourself lucky and 2) O looked just like her. I decided that Ying-a-Bing, my little Autumn Flower, should be a flower, in Autumn. See how that worked out?

First we dazzled everyone one in our neighborhood. Ying wasn’t so sure about the whole process, but once the idea of candy in her bucket was introduced, she held on to that bucket with a two-handed death grip. Even Momma was not allowed to help carry it. Later, we moved on to Aunt M and Uncle J’s house so that they could “oohh” and “ahhh” over the babies. E and a friend took them out for even more trick or treating. I’m not sure who had more fun there, the babies or the big girls!

Remember the nice old couple who live on our street? The ones who stopped by to talk the night I was taking out the trash in my pajama pants and Ying had a blow out diaper? Yeah, sure you remember them. We stopped by their house. The best part of the night – when we were leaving there, OBaby gave them each one of her great arms-wrapped-around-your-knees hugs totally on her own initiative. They were both so happy to get a hug! What a sweetie she is, huh?

Just so you don’t think my kids are perfect, Ying did demand “MORE” from almost every person handing out candy and had to be forcibly removed from more than one candy bowl. What can I say? It was CANDY!


RamblingMother said...

I don't blame her the candy givers were probably being a bit stingy. She as a beautiful autumn flower deserved more, right?


Kooky said...

Donna? O and Y looked adorable! Oh you guys should have come over to my house! I had over 5 pounds of candy come and GO! I used some of my reserve that I have for me being diabetic and used that too! (Dark chocolates)

Those pictures are awesome! It's amazing to see Y baby looking so healthy and happy and doing everything her JEI JEI is doing!


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