Friday, January 19, 2007

Attitude of Entitlement

Lately, I been kind of annoyed with this attitude I’ve notice among people waiting to adopt from China. They act like they’ve ordered a baby from the baby store, and they are irritated that the item isn’t ready to be shipped yet. It results in a lot of bad-mouthing of the Chinese government and how they run their adoption process. Yeah, it was really starting to get on my nerves. Until I realized that I am actually one of “them”.

I’ve been acting pretty entitled myself here lately. I’ve been whining and complaining about the screwy process for sending out TAs. Yes, it is frustrating, and yes, I do want to bring QiuYing home as soon as possible. I tell myself that I’m just worried about MY daughter. But, see, the thing is, technically, she isn’t my daughter – yet. Right now, she is still Shi QiuYing, ward of the ShiCheng County Social Welfare Institute. She is their child, not mine. As much as I may love her, she won’t really be MY daughter until I sit in that office at the civil affairs office and promise to never abandon or abuse her. She is a daughter of China, and they don’t have to let me adopt her. If they do, it will be a privilege – not a right I earned by paying the fees and waiting my turn.

See, China owes me nothing. In fact, I owe them. After all, they let me leave the county once already with one of their greatest national treasures.

1 comment:

Doug and Terrye said...

I couldn't have said it better myself. Waiting caused me to be someone I didn't brought out the impatient child in me. But you made me realize what a privelege China allowed me!!!

Terrye in FL

Current Time in China