Monday, October 29, 2007

Pretty Pouty Princess

Olivia’s school, being rather “culturally diverse” (there are kids in her class from several different countries), chooses not to celebrate certain holidays such as Halloween. So, instead, the 4/5s had a “Name Parade” where they celebrated their names. No costumes, but some cute paper crowns and sashes. As you can tell from the pictures. OBaby was NOT really having a good day.

She did manage to smile once, and her offical school pictures came in today, too. Note to self: Next year, get O's bangs cut before school pictures.


Anonymous said...


It's amazing that your two girls are just growing up so fast. I look at O Baby (since knowing Y baby) and she's got that "grown up" look about her.

My Becca is the same way. I tell ya, sometimes I wish time would stand still so I can truly see them grow up without working, cleaning, cooking, doing all those things......


RamblingMother said...

She is a cutie anyway even with the pout.


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