Thursday, August 30, 2007

See How She’s Grown

Yesterday the girls both had physicals – OBaby for preschool and YBaby had her 2-year-old check up. Both babies are wonderfully healthy. YBaby needed to have some immunizations – 3 shots for the poor thing. Of course, she handled it well. Two minutes of crying, then she was her old self. She was a little whiney last night and early this morning, but it was no big drama. The good news is that YBaby has grown 1 ½ inches and gained 3 pounds since her doctor’s visit 5 months ago! She really is getting bigger. Now, she is as tall as the average 16 month old and weighs the same as an average 7-month-old baby. I would say she is tall and skinny, but since she isn’t even on the height chart for a 2 year old, well, she ain’t exactly tall.

The doctor was thrilled with her progress – especially her increased strength and muscle tone. The last time he saw her, she couldn’t stand. Yesterday, she couldn’t sit still! She was running around the exam room and playing hide and seek with her sister in the curtains. He also got to hear lots of her chattering and was impressed with her communications skills. He is the father of 4 internationally adopted kids, so he really knows what he’s talking about when it comes to orphanage delays. To me, the most amazing thing is that this was her first visit to him since we came home 5 months ago. She has seen her specialists for her surgery, but we haven’t had to have one trip to the family doctor. This kid has got one heck of an immune system. OBaby caught every bug in 3 counties her first 6 months home. Heck, I got to witness childhood illnesses I’d never even heard of before (Hand/Foot/Mouth, anyone?)! But YBaby, knock on wood, is a healthy girl. And a smart girl. And beautiful. And funny. And sweet. Yeah, I kind of like her!


catbertie said...

Sounds like my two girls!! DD #1 is 3 and we were in the pediatrician's office at least monthly the first year home with her. DD #2 is a peanut (20 months wears 6-9 month clothing) and a SN adoption- we've only been to her specialist visits and well checks!!

Anonymous said...

Yahoooooooo! We knew that she was doing great but it's nice to hear it from the expert.

L & K

MOM aka Grammie

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to squeeze both of them tomorrow. Love my little nieces to pieces. Oh and sis too.

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