Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Conversations with a 4 Year Old

Big Eyes!
No more pictures! Get out of here with that camera!!

O Baby and I had a great conversation on the way to school this morning:

O: Mom?
Me: Yeah?
O: I try really hard not to say this, but I have to tell you sumfing.
Me: Yes?
O: Well, sometimes you get on my one nerve.
Me: Yeah, sometimes you get on my one nerve, too.
O: Yeah. **pause** Mommy, you’re the coolest mommy ever.
Me: You’re pretty cool too.
O: I love you.
Me: I love you, too.

Through the rear-view mirror, I see her pop her thumb back in her mouth.


RamblingMother said...

Oh that is great. Glenys has started to copy my "You're not helping me!" and tells me that some. It means the same basically.


Michelle said...

Lol, loved this post. As the mom to a 4 year old also, I can so relate ;-) You have to love their immitation and brutal honesty !


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