Thursday, June 07, 2007

No More "Little Eyes"

Tomorrow is the big day. Ying is going to have her first surgery on her eyes. She is actually having two procedures – one on the upper lids to lift them so she can see without tipping her head back, and one on the lower lids to roll her eyelashes out and off of her eyes. It is out-patient surgery, and if all goes well, we will be home tomorrow evening.

She, of course, is blissfully unaware that anything is going on, while I am trying really hard not to throw up. According to other parents whose kids have had this done, it requires a lot of sedation to work on a kid's eyes. I just hope she reacts well to it. She has been so unbelievably healthy that I really don't know how she reacts to medication. The only thing I've ever given her is a dose or two of Tylenol and some cough medicine!

So, the surgery is scheduled for 7:30, but we have to be at the hospital at 5:30. Yes, that’s am. Nothing like dragging a kid out of bed two hours early to start your day on a good note! Fortunately, O Baby is spending the night with her best buddies (and day care provider) so I won’t have to drag her out of bed, too. She will just go over tonight for the slumber party and stay until I can pick her up after Ying is discharged.

You know I adore this child, and I hate to change a thing about that perfect little face. But, it is medically necessary. And, afterwards she will be able to see like she's never seen before. I know some of you understand my ambivalence. Of course I want what's best for her, and I'd do anything to improve her vision, but I hate that I have to change her face in order to do that. Big sigh! Of course, I’ll post pictures when I can. They may not be pretty. You were warned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi - I've been reading your blog for a few months and wanted to say that I think you have a lovely family. Ying just looks like the happiest little girl and you are lucky to have found each other. I'm also the single mom of two born in China. Good luck with the surgery tomorrow, I'm sure it will go perfectly!

Current Time in China