Friday, June 15, 2007

A Week Post Op

This photo was taken exactly one week after Ying's surgery. She looks so amazing. Her “little eyes” are now big, round eyes. And the swelling and bruising are all but gone. I am just in awe of how resilient she is. She really is just an amazing child. And speaking of amazing children, O Baby continues to be a great big sister. She just loves her little Ying-a-Bing and is even learning to laugh when Ying steals blankie! (And if you know O, you know blankie is NOT a laughing matter!) I broke my toe this morning (stubbed in on a door jam!), and O Baby immediately went into nurse mode. She wanted to get me a band-aide, an ice pack, a tissue. “I’ll do anything for you, Mommy,” she said. If I hadn’t been so delirious with pain, I could have scored big there. But, too late I thought that I should have asked, “Will you clean your room?”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ying looks great and that is an adorable pic of Olivia.

L & K

Mom aka Grandma

Current Time in China