Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Hail to the Chief

The Today Show was on while we were getting dressed this morning. OBaby was listening to Hilary Clinton talk when she suddenly announced, "I want to be president of the U-nited States, Mommy." (OBaby, not Hilary) I just nodded and said "Sure, honey, when you grow up." No point going into the whole "you can't be president because you weren't born in the US" conversation since I totally expect Arnold's people to get that problem fixed long before O is old enough to vote, let alone run.

"No, Mommy, I want to be president now."

Hmm, well, how do we respond to this? Oh, yeah, "Well, babe, you have to be a grown up and at least as old as Mrs. Clinton before you can be the president."

"Oh." Still, I could see the wheels were still turning. "Ok, then can I be the president of the Baby U-nited States?"

So, it's official. OBaby is now running for president of the Baby U-nited States. She is accepting contributions to her college, er, I mean campaign fund.


Anonymous said...

Too cute!

The Humbles said...
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