Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Why I’ll Never Sleep Alone

Last night, the girls were in rare form – neither one listening to me or obeying my too frequent demands that they get in bed and be quite. Finally, I totally lost all patience with them and sent them both to sleep in their own room. They have a queen size bed in there, so it's not like they can't still sleep together. Well, judging by the reaction, you'd think I'd sent them to sleep in a den of vipers. They both screamed and cried and sobbed. Ying got out of bed and came to me in the family room. I tried the Super Nanny thing and took her back to her bed and explained that she needed to sleep here with jie-jie and Mama would sleep in her bed. I went into my room and closed the door. Through the wall I could hear the wailing. Then I heard Ying outside my door sobbing so hard I was afraid she would throw up. I heard Bella scratch at the door, but still I didn't open the door. A couple of minutes later, I hear Bella coming through the half bath into my room, with Ying right behind her. I could just imagine her telling Ying, "Hey, follow me kid. I know a back way into your mom's room." Bella came in the room, stood and looked at me for a minute, then left – "Here's your kid, lady. She wants you." Now I have a sobbing Ying standing in the middle of my floor. I picked her up, thinking I would take her back to her bed, then realized that the poor little thing was scared to death. I asked her if she was ok – head nod "no". "Do you want to sleep with Mama?" – tiny little whisper "yes". DANG. I am never going to get to sleep alone, ever, in my entire life. They both ended up sleeping in my bed last night. And I ended up feeling like a total jerk because Ying really was just terrified by the idea of not sleeping with Mama. Score: Girls 1, Mama 0.

1 comment:

RamblingMother said...

Oh I so totally hear you and feel your pain but I only have one. That is probably why I still only have one too. Ugh when you figure something out let me know.


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